
5 Ways to Motivate Reluctant Students

We all have those students that are less than excited to be in our class.  It is like pulling teeth to get any meaningful work out of them.  They may not like the subject, have a lack of caring about school in general, or have factors that are unrelated to school at all.  Here are some ways to motivate these students to be successful:

1.  Give them choice -   Everyone wants to feel like they are in control of their own lives.  By giving your students choice, you give them a sense of control over their lives.  Start by giving choices that are clear and make sure that you will be happy with either choice they make.
            Example:  Students are learning about volcanoes.  You need to check their understanding.                                     Students could:  1.  Complete a worksheet.
                                                         2.  Make a slideshow.
                                                         3.  Make a video.
                                                         4.  Comlete online game.
                                                         5.  Make a poster.
Either of those options would give you the information that you need and it gives the students choice in how they show you that they understand.

2.  Show your excitement - It is hard for kids to get excited about their learning when you are not excited.  You may have taught the same subject for years, but this is the first time they have heard it from you.  Change your delivery, add some props, spice it up!  Your students will catch your enthusiasm!

3.  Let students take ownership of their classroom - Give students class jobs.  It is their job to take care of the classroom and make sure it is a great place to be.  Create a family environment where every student has a role.  Let students have choice in seating.  This may sound silly, but most students will work harder and for longer periods of time if they are comfortable in their environment.  If you would like to learn more about choice seating, click here.

4.  Reward accomplishments - Give students something to look forward to.  Every Friday I give my students 15-20 minutes of free time.  To qualify, all work must be done and turned in.  You would be surprised what students will do for a little free time!

5.  Know your students - I mean really get to know them.  Talk to them about what they like to do on the weekend, hobbies, family, interests outside of school.  A great way to do this is to meet with small groups at lunch.  I will gather small groups (by invite only) and take them to the classroom to eat lunch with them.  The students usually love this special time and it is a great way to get to know your students likes and dislikes.

These are just a few of the ways that I use to motivate my reluctant students.  Do you have a way that you like to use to motivate your students?  I would love to hear your ideas!

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