
Coordinate Graph: Online Games that are Fun!!!

Here is a list of games I like to use to help my students master plotting points on a coordinate grid.

1.  Spaceboy to the Rescue

2.  Locate the Aliens

3.  (Un)Earthworms

4.  Boat Coordinates

5.  Bombs on the Grid

6.  Mathpup Flying Saucer

7.  Meteor Defense

8.  Whale's Adventure

9.  Stock the Shelves

10.  Soccer Coordinates

Looking for something seasonal?  Check out Coordinate Graphing Mystery Pictures!  This is a year long bundle that has coordinate graphing activities for the major holidays during the school year.  There are 25 in all.  This is a huge value because you are only paying $1 per picture.  These are great for when you have a substitute also.  Just make sure to teach your students how to do this at the beginning of the year, then you are all set for the whole year.  I leave one of these in my substitute folder that way I have one available in case of emergencies.  

I hope you like all these cool games to help your students master plotting points on a coordinate plane! 

Follow me for more tips, tricks, and freebies!!!

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