It is January; cold, dreary,snowy and wet. I find myself dreaming of the beach and warm summer days. My students often start getting cranky and do not want to do the simplest activities or assignments. Every year I find myself trying to find new ways to get their motor revved back up and get them excited about learning again. Here is a list of 5 things that I like to do in my classroom. Feel free to comment and add fun things that you like to do in your classroom. I would love to hear your ideas!
1. Get outside. Only if it is for 5-10 minutes. Let your students run off a little bit of steam. If it is just too cold or snowy, take them to the gym and let them run around to get their blood flowing.
2. Keep the blinds open, letting as much light in as possible. Sunlight gives us vitamin D. The feel good vitamin!!
3. Start a real world project that goes with your teaching unit. I know I can hear some saying I just don't have time, I have too much to teach. Just set aside small amounts of time to work on this project every day. The rest of the time can be spent on what you need to teach. They will learn more from the project in the long run.
4. Use technology to spice up your lessons. Most kids love to try new things using technology. Here is a list of technology that I like to use in my classroom.
5. Have fun!!! Stop being so serious all the time. Kids like to know that you are a real person and have real feelings just like they do. Take time to really talk to and enjoy your students. Sometimes I turn on the radio. That one simple act will get some students motivated to work. I also like to get the twister game out. It only takes a few turns before everyone is laughing and perhaps falling on the floor!
So play some games, have some fun, and don't let the winter blahs get you and your students down.
Do you have any fun activities that you like to do during the winter months? I would love to hear what you like to do to keep the winter blues away!
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